Do you feel agitated and annoyed due to discomforts caused by various body parts and their associated functions? Do achy joints, swellings, fatigue, headaches, migraines, irregular bowel movements etc muddle with your liveliness? What could be the ideal solution to keep you energized and full of life? – A detox

Detoxification is ideal to flush out toxins from your body leaving you healthier than before. Detoxing happens at all levels. But for long lasting results, the detox that tops the list is the full body detoxification or Ayurvedic Panchakarma.

Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that translates into ‘five treatments’ which are vital processes in this ayurvedic treatment for purifying and rejuvenating the body from years of accumulated toxins of poor nutrition, improper exercise, hormones and environmental factors. These toxins otherwise known as Ama is a foul-smelling, sticky substance that is eliminated along with excess doshas, through various organs and channels of elimination (colon, sweat glands, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach, intestines, etc). 

An imbalanced body after undergoing the following processes retains its natural balanced state after elimination of Ama and purification of tissues at the very deep level.

  • Herbalized oil enemas = Bhasti
  • Nasal irrigation            =  Nasya
  • Therapeutic Vomiting  =  Vamana
  • Purgation                     =  Virechana
  • Blood Letting               =  Raktamokshana

In present treatments, therapeutic vomiting and bloodletting have been replaced by mild therapies and oil massages. 

Panchakarma treatment is unique for each person depending on the individual’s ayurvedic constitution, age, immune system, doshic imbalances and duration of stay opted by him. Sometimes all of the five procedures or just a few among the five are opted and are carefully administered in an exact sequence for a specified period of time by the therapist. Before the commencement of the treatment, the individual must consult an expert who will determine his imbalance, his individual constitution and the intensity and sequence of procedures to be administered. 

Panchakarma treatment will leave you exhausted at the end of the day even though you aren’t exerting yourself because of the release of emotional and physical toxins, built up over the years. The purpose of panchakarma is purification or sodhana. 


  • Toxin free system
  • Clear outlook in life
  • Anti-ageing
  • Decreased stress
  • Weightloss
  • Intense relaxation
  • Heightened mindfulness
  • Cured digestive system
  • Refined skin lustre
  • Resistance to illness
  • Balance of doshas


From the day of commencement of the treatment till its conclusion, certain lifestyle and diet have to be followed. 
A person requires plenty of rest during the treatment and has to avoid strenuous exercise, sexual activity, late nights, loud music, television and other energising experiences which will help in great introspection. 

Restrictions also arise when it comes to nutritional needs. Cold food, cold and carbonated drink, caffeine, white sugar, alcoholic beverages etc should be avoided during and after the treatment for a few days since digestion will be a slow process due to the treatment. Because of which kitchari, a mix of basmati rice and mung dal, is the staple food during the treatment. Kitchari provides sufficient nutrition, easy digestion, nourishment to the body tissues, de-ages the cells and assists in the detoxification and cleansing process. Ghee is an important element of the treatment which paves its way in almost all procedures: diets, massages, enemas etc.

Panchakarma ayurvedic treatment promises ultimate detoxification and rejuvenation and allows the body and mind to sink into intense levels of peacefulness. 

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